Hackathon for Peace, Justice & Security

27 november 2020 - 29 november 2020
Gemeente Den Haag, Nationale Politie, Yes!Delft The Hague, The Hague Tech, WorldStartup

During the weekend of 27, 28 and 29 November the third edition of the Hackathon for Good will take place. This edition will be the first online edition. The Hackathon for Good 2020 is hosted by the city of The Hague and organised by The Hague Tech, in close collaboration with the Hague’s innovation ecosystems consisting of the hubs The Hague Security Delta, The Hague Humanity Hub and the programs Yes! Delft, WorldStartup, Data Science Initiative and Digital Competence & Education Center. Because of its willingness to work with its social partners on urgent challenges the world faces, the Municipality of The Hague is hosting the Hackathon for Good 2020. The Hague believes that technology and innovation can contribute to positive changes in the world.


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