Hâck Den Haag 2018

22 november 2018
City Hall. The Hague
Cyberspint, City of The Hague

After the successful introduction of the hackers event ‘Hâck Den Haag’ last year, we will again turn The Hague City Hall into a true hackers dome on 22 November 2018, The Hague, the Netherlands. Now, the challenge is even bigger: with a bigger scope, more time & more prizes!

22 November 2018, The Hague, the Netherlands
9.00 am to 4.30 pm (CET)

Ethical hackers are invited to uncover vulnerabilities in a pre-defined scope. This year’s scope is even more comprehensive and challenging, but will remain a secret for now.

The scope of the challenge and the rules of engagement* will be announced during the kick-off on 22 November at 9.30 AM sharp! (* rules of engagement are subject to the Responsible Disclosure policy (Dutch) and the Data Protection Declaration of The Hague).

The winners will receive a €€€-reward for the vulnerabilities found during the event. There are multiple rewards for the taking, based on creativity, originality, impact and other categories. The winners will also be mentioned in the press release (with permission, of course!).

Interested? Register now!

You can join this unique challenge individually or with a team of max. 2 people.

The number of available spots is limited, so be fast to register. Full = full. Registration closes at 15:00h, 20 November 2018. As availability is limited, we will inform you whether we can confirm your spot in the competition. In addition, we will provide you with more information about the event over the next few weeks.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact: HackDH@cybersprint.com.

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