Dcypher Symposium 2019

03 december 2019
MediaPlaza (in het jaarbeurs gebouw), Utrecht Jaarbeursplein 3521 AL Utrecht
Dcypher in close cooperation with NWO, RVO, NCSC, NPRO-SIA

Interested or involved in cybersecurity research, development, innovation and/or (higher) education? Come and join us at the second edition of the dcypher Symposium on 3 December 2019 in Media Plaza Utrecht. There will be a lot to learn, to discuss and share in cybersecurity R&D, innovation and higher education.


We believe that networking is essential so there will be many opportunities to meet speakers and participants. Our event is a meeting place for cybersecurity teachers and students, for former, current and possibly future executors of cybersecurity R&D projects, for public and private research partners, for enterprises in need of cybersecurity professionals, for potential profit and non-profit users of research results, policy makers and ethical hackers.


Showcase cybersecurity solutions reached in partnership. Our participants get an impression of the output resulting from earlier tenders for medium term (SBIR) and long term cybersecurity research, both nationally and internationally. Solutions for bridging gaps between cybersecurity higher education curricula and demands from the labor market will be addressed. Sharing ideas will be encouraged, e.g. by discussing challenges of translating research output into innovative solutions, how to make cybersecurity a strength of our infrastructures, how to improve the flow between higher and academic education in cyber security. We offer a podium for cybersecurity R&D and education projects, either recently completed or in progress. Also an exposition of new cybersecurity solutions is foreseen. During the symposium, it will also be announced which new research projects, resulting from NWO's third national CS call, will be honored and will soon start.

Click here for the programme.


This symposium is organised by dcypher in close cooperation with the Dutch Research Council (NWO), the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RvO), the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and the Applied Science Organisation (NPRO-SIA)

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