HSD Welcomes Nine New Partners During Partner E-Meeting

13 okt 2020
Auteur: HSD Foundation

On Monday 12 October nine new partners were officially introduced during the New Partner E-meeting. This is the digital form of the original ‘’Partner lunch’’, which due to Corona unfortunately could not be realised. The General Director Joris den Bruinen, the Head of Innovation Liaisons Saskia Noordewier and Partner Manager Rick welcomed our new partners to the HSD community. 


The new partners that joined this meeting were Hikvision, Threatfabric, Pandora Intelligence, XZ Tend, Niagara Networks, Greenport West-Holland, MindYourPass, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Scenarios4Summits. Each partner gave a one-minute pitch where they introduced their organisation and spoke about why joining this security cluster valuable. HSD looks forward to a beneficial cooperation with our new partners. 


Gaetan van Diemen, General Manager, Threatfabric: "Our number one reason joining HSD is to see how we can strengthen further our presence abroad with other HSD partners."


Simona Neculcea, Cyber Security Consultant, XZtend: "We have a common goal. A better secure world and less threats. We are ready to share our experience and are eager to hear your stories how you desolved security challenges."



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