Webinar: India-Dutch Innovation During Crisis - Data & AI

26 mei 2020
11:00u - 12:30u
World Startup

Data analytics & AI have featured largely in the healthcare industry’s front line of defense against COVID-19. Researchers have leveraged these tools to do everything from tracking hospital capacity to identifying high-risk patients, and many believe that these technologies are critical to preparing for similar situations in the future, be it for surveillance, monitoring or diagnostics. Data & AI will also play a crucial role in areas beyond healthcare, like digital government, neighbourhood economies and smart cities as various organisations navigate the ongoing crisis.


We discuss how policy makers, industry experts and businesses, especially startups have been at the forefront of developing solutions related to covid 19 crisis. The audience will have a chance to interact with the speakers. By doing so, we learn from each other and provide an opportunity to form strategic Indo-Dutch ties! We welcome you to become part of our bottom-up community backing creative and entrepreneurial members to play their role as game changers.



Welcome addresses Gert Heijkoop, Consul General of The Netherlands in Bangalore, India


Country level response and industry expert opinion

- Arnab Kumar, Program Director at NITI Aayog, India

- Tjerk Timan, Strategy and Policy Researcher at TNO, The Netherlands


Entrepreneurs presentation and Q&A

- Geetha Manjunath, CEO and Co-founder at NIRAMAI Health Analytix, India

- Florent Geerts, Business Unit Manager at Delft Imaging Systems, The Netherlands

- Vidur Mahajan, Associate Director at Mahajan Imaging, India

- Ajith Sahasranamam, Founder at Ongil, India

- Nicola Bonzanni, CSO at Enpicom BV, The Netherlands


Moderator: Aditya Putta, Venture Sourcing Lead, WorldStartup


For Who?

Innovation managers within government and corporates, along with investors who can support the entrepreneurs with pilots, projects, investment and partnerships. Since this is also a time to share, we welcome other entrepreneurs who seek inspiration and would like to join forces through collaborations. All Indian and Dutch stakeholders that are involved and interested in Data & AI, and startup innovation in general are also invited.

Betrokken HSD partners