Nordic UAS Event

01 juni 2016 - 03 juni 2016
Odense Congress Center
UAS Denmark

Nordic UAS Event is the largest Unmanned Aircraft Systems expo, conference and demo in Northern Europe gathering end-users and industry specialists from the Nordic countries and around the world. Since 2013 we have strived for being the hub and center one time a year for UAS stakeholders through a major event. Next year will be the 4. edition and by far the most comprehensive event we have ever made.


Robobusiness Europe 2016

The event will be co-located with RoboBusiness Europe 2016 and the two organizations will work closely together in order to benefit from the common goal and technological aspiration – automation. Someone is naming automation as “the fourth industrial revolution” in the world, and that is the future we want to show. Not as a faraway vision – but as a way of life for tomorrow. You will have the opportunity to walk from one expo and conference to another with only a 4 meter transit hall separating the two events.


Nordic perspectives

The conference program will be arranged together with UAS Sweden, UAS Norway and SDU UAS Center (University of Southern Denmark). This will secure a complete selection of the most valuable speakers from the Nordic Countries. 80 % of the speakers will be from the Nordic countries, which will give you a single place to meet, corporate and learn more about the possibility for making business within UAS in Northern Europe. The last 20 % will be key speakers from around the world to give you a thorough picture of the latest developments.



The above mentioned collaborations will result in: 

- 3000 + visitors in the UAS expo hall (June 2-3) 

- 75 + exhibitors in the UAS expo hall (June 2-3) 

- 50 + speakers in the UAS expo hall (June 2-3) 

- A Kick off of the first ever “Nordic UAS Championship” with 3 leagues (June 1)