Multiple Views on Blockchain: Technology, Use Cases, Economics, and Policies

17 juni 2016
09:00u - 17:00u
HSD Campus
Trust in Digital Life Association, IFFC

TDL is delighted to announce that it is holding a one-day conference, in partnership with the Hague Security Delta and the Institute for Financial Crime (IFFC) on 17 June in The Hague immediately following this year’s TDW event. 


The objective is to bring together researchers, practitioners, and regulators engaged in crypto-currency and blockchain activities in order to initiate a multi-disciplinary community of research and practice in this area.


The emergence and success of Bitcoin propelled blockchain technologies into prominence. Since then, financial institutions have explored the potential of Bitcoin-like systems; the Open Source community has delved into the Open Source implementations, and the research community has worked on developing and optimizing associated cryptographic protocols, improving architectural solutions, and understanding the economics of systems like Bitcoin. Governments have started looking at the regulatory space for distributed financial systems and requirements for integrity; civil society organizations have looked into privacy support in blockchain systems, and law enforcement agencies have examined the new potential for financial crime. As work on exploring all the potential diverse uses of blockchain technology has expanded, applications for e-government, storage, document notarization, identity protection, real estate, and enterprise have emerged.


Please come and join the discussion!



09:00 Welcome: Event Goals and Objectives (Organisers)

Keynote: Professor Dr Srdjan Capkun, ETH Zürich

Research Foundations for Blockchain

Discussion of cryptographic foundations, protocols, as well as architectures, economic modeling, and other research areas associated with blockchain. This session will focus on research and innovation.
Ghassan Karame, Senior Researcher, NEC Labs Europe (Moderator)
Professor Michael Huth, Computer Science, Imperial College London
Professor Dr Srdjan Capkun, ETH Zürich
Marko Vukolic, Research Staff Member at IBM Research Labs, Zürich


10:30 Coffee


10:45 Applications of Blockchain for Enterprise
Discussion on applications of blockchain in various areas and making sense of risk management, deployment, and other concerns.
Claire Vishik, Trust & Security Technology & Policy Director, Intel Corporation (Moderator)
Raimund Gross, Innovation Manager and Futurist, SAP
Arno Laeven, Head of Blockchain Lab, Phillips
Matthew Golby-Kirk, Global Blockchain Labs Enablement, CTO Europe Office, IBM
Jacob Boersma, Managing Consultant, Digital Identity and Blockchain, Deloitte


12:15 Lunch


13:15 Keynote: Marietje Schaake, Member of the European Parliament

Regulatory and Societal Issues in Blockchain
Discussions of the regulatory approaches to blockchain in finance and societal issues, e.g., privacy, associated with the deployment of these technologies.
Riccardo Masucci, Senior Privacy and Security Policy Manager, Intel Corporation (Moderator)
Marietje Schaake, Member of the European Parliament
Jason Albert, Assistant General Counsel, IP Policy & Strategy, Microsoft
Fabrizio Sestini, Net Innovation, DG CNECT
Fidel Santiago, IT Officer, EDPS
Mieke de Haas, Compliance Officer, Biccur


15:15 Coffee


15:30 Innovation: New Markets, New Ideas
In this session, we will discuss innovation in blockchain and how it can change computing as we know it.
David Goodman, Principal Consulting Analyst, TechVision Research (Moderator)
Robert Reinder Nederhoed, CEO, Bitmymoney
Wilfried Hoffman, Co-founder, Tymlez
Dug Campbell, Product Manager, miiCard | Organiser, Scottish Blockchain Meetup


Closing remarks (Organisers)


17:00 Adjourn