ECSO Cyber Investor Days: Application for start-ups & scale-ups 2023

05 oktober 2023
HSD Campus, The Hague
European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO), KPN Ventures, City of the Hague, TIIN Capital, InnovationQuarter, and HSD

CID Hague visual final


SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Monday 11 September 2023


Calling on Europe’s cybersecurity start-ups and scale-ups to take center stage – Don't miss your chance to meet with your fellow cybersecurity entrepreneurs and industry leaders and attend the ECSO Cyber Investor Days pitches & B2B meetings! 


Dutch and other European cybersecurity start-ups and scale-ups are invited to register by providing their company’s profile and indicating whether they are looking for  access-to-finance  opportunities (B2B meetings with potential investors). Companies seeking  access-to-market  opportunities (B2B meetings with potential customers and partners, i.e. integrators, corporates etc) are also invited to apply. 


For your application and more information about the ECSO Cyber Investor Days download underneath the application form and additional information. 


ECSO Cyber Investor Days Application Guidelines

ECSO Cyber Investor Days Application Form 2023


After filling in your application you can apply and upload your files via the ‘register button' at the top of this page. 


For full details about the ECSO Cyber Investor Days please visit this page.


IMPORTANT: Your duly filled application form (jpg. png. pdf. doc. docx or pages) and your 5-7 slides pitch deck (pdf, 1 MB size) can be uploaded by registering. Keep your application convincing and concise. Respect the indicated character limit.


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