Dutch Cyber Security Delegation to Japan

30 maart 2015 - 03 april 2015
Koninkrijk der Nederlanden

“The Japanese government forecasts Japan's summer Olympics in 2020 will lift the economy. But also officials worry it could also make Japan a target for computer hackers.” 

A series of cyberattacks on Japanese government and industries has made cyber security top priority in Japan. For the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympics protection of the critical infrastructures (electricity, telecom, water and sewage systems) is top priority. Therefore, to search for international cooperation is an official state policy in Japan. State of the art technology and innovations are required to have a save Olympics and also beyond.

Companies like NTT Group (main sponsor of the upcoming Olympics) develops security services and also looks for knowledge outside of the Japanese boarders. Japan is traditionally strong in hardware components, but not always at the same level on the software side.

Our goals with the technology and innovation mission
During the State visit in October 2014 Cyber security was a prominent topic and of high interest by Minister Kamp. Up till now three Cyber missions have taken place in the last two years and ENCS has signed a cooperation agreement with CSSC in Japan.
The focus of the upcoming innovation mission is to get a more in-depth insight in the security state of critical infrastructures in Japan and the issues with security. And start the dialogue of how and with whom to set up a long term cooperation.

What we want to achieve
Decision to form a consortium of Dutch and Japanese parties and formalize this in the months after the mission. The consortium will than gradually set up a cooperation and concrete follow up: with knowledge exchange, joint research (i.e. H2020: ISAC), co-development, trainings and testbed development. One of the opportunities to form a consortium and get Dutch government support is to apply for a Partners for International Business program at RVO.

In the coming weeks RVO and the Innovation Attaché network in Japan will prepare the mission with the delegation members.

Click here for the first draft program.

For questions and applications please contact:
Wouter Roelofs, wouter.roelofs@rvo.nl or +31 88 602 5093
Chantal Mas, chantal.mas@rvo.nl 

We charge a fee for expenses of Euro 250 a week, in addition to your own costs for travel and accommodation.  

More info about Partners for International Business (PIB).

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