Deloitte - Women in STEAM
Deloitte wants to offer both students and professionals a platform to get together and learn about the STEAM field and each other. Join us at our first Women in STEAM event at The Edge, March 9th 2016.
The science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) workforce is crucial to any company’s innovative capacity. More women getting into this field every year creates great opportunities for growth and awareness on the exciting careers in STEAM. Through this event, Deloitte wants to create an open network of ambitious women, professionals ánd students, with a STEAM profile or working in the STEAM field.
Date: Wednesday March 9th, 2016
Venue: The Edge, Gustav Mahlerlaan 2970, Amsterdam
8:30 - 09:00
Walk-in with coffee and tea
09:00 - 09:10
Welcome and introduction
Louise van Hoof, Director of BRISQ Deloitte Netherlands
09:10 - 09:50
Interactive session:
Pauline van Dongen, fashion designer of wearable technology
09:50 - 10:10
Short break
10:10 - 11:30
Interactive session: Hackazon & Gadgets
11:30 - 12:15
Network lunch (optional)
You can register by sending an e-mail to
More information
Please contac Louise van Hoof via +31882880709