Crisis Week: Family Support Workshop

11 oktober 2017
09:00u - 17:00u
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131, 2593 BM The Hague
Centre for Safety and Development

This Family Support Workshop teaches participants to build and maintain relationships and trust among family members during and after a crisis.

Imagine that one of your colleagues has been involved in a critical incident in an operating environment overseas. As a HR manager and as a manager of a crisis management team you will be required to provide care and support to your colleague’s family members. Are you up to the task? In our Family Support Workshop you will learn how to build and maintain relationships and trust with family members. This will enable you to keep family members engaged and up to date, and will prevent them from pursuing separate and counterproductive initiatives.

This workshop is based on role playing and interaction in simulations of real-life scenarios, from which you will learn and practice the skills needed to provide family support. A safe learning environment is maintained at all times.

Knowledge & Skills
· Being better prepared for any sort of crisis
· Reducing the chance of losing the family’s support
· Reducing the possibility of litigation
· Identifying skills for a family support plan
· Awareness of psychosocial interventions
· Facilitating organizational and personal recovery