Business Week Japan, Taiwan & South-Korea 2020

17 februari 2020 - 19 februari 2020
Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Ede
InnovationQuarter, RVO, Rotterdam Partners, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, OostNL, Brainport Eindhoven

Do you want to do business in Japan, Taiwan and/or South Korea? Or are you already doing business in one of these countries and would you like to expand to one of the neighbouring countries? And do you need information to take the right steps? Then come to this Business Week from 17 to 19 February and get answers to your questions.


Business Week Japan, Taiwan and South Korea brings together a huge network of specialists from these countries. It is the time for Dutch companies to gain relevant knowledge of the local markets in these countries. You can exchange experiences, make contacts and get tips from other entrepreneurs.



The days are dedicated to specific sectors that are strongly represented in these regions. The programme consists of plenary sessions, break-out sessions and networking get-togethers.


Diplomatic representatives from the innovation, trade and agriculture departments of the embassies in Japan and South Korea and the Netherlands Trade and Investment Office in Taiwan will be present. You can meet them during one-on-one meetings. Representatives of the regional partners Rotterdam Partners, Brainport Eindhoven and Oost NL will also be present.


Break-out sessions with the foreign network

The Dutch diplomatic representatives present will inform you about doing business in the region and about the sectors listed below:


Monday 17 February, Rotterdam

Maritime & offshore

Agrifood & horticulture

Doing business in East Asia


Tuesday 18 February, Eindhoven

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Internet of Things, Smart industry

Semiconductors, photonics and future adaptations

Doing business in East Asia


Wednesday 19 February, Ede

Smart agriculture & agritech

HTSM and medtech

Doing business in East Asia


Participation is free of charge. For no-show when registered you will pay 75 euros.

Betrokken HSD partners