Development Cyber Crisis Monitor: Learning from Cyber Incidents

13 May 2024
Author: HSD Foundation

There is a strong shared need to learn from each other's (near-) cyber incidents to improve cyber resilience in an effective and efficient way. Therefore, Cyberweerbaar NL is developing a cyber incident monitor, in which cyber incidents are registered and key lessons learned are shared by participating organisations. Because lessons learned provide a lot of information on how incidents can be prevented in the future.


The monitor focuses on behavioural and organisational factors that play a role in the occurrence or resolution of cyber incidents. Cyberweerbaar NL is specifically looking for the human (e.g. behaviour, attitude, awareness) and organisational (e.g. leadership, division of roles) factors that played a role in causing/fixing incidents. 


The success of the monitor relies on the willingness of organisations and participants to report incidents (more often) and upload the information.


More info

Do you want to contribute or looking for more information? Watch the video (in Dutch) in which Bruno Verweijen of Saxion University of Applied Sciences explains what the cyber incident monitor is and how organisations can contribute. More info: contact Bruno via or visit this website.





This cyber crisis monitor is funded with the (SPRONG) Grant. The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS), Saxion, NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences and a large consortium of societal partners, has been awarded this prestigious Stimulating Practical Research Groups (SPRONG) grant by the SIA Directorate. With this grant the universities of applied science aim to strongly develop their existing cooperation in the field of cyber resilience over the next eight years.


Role Security Delta (HSD)

HSD contributes to this consortium for approximately two years with 60 project hours per year. Strengthening those connections should create an ecosystem that leads to continuous demand articulation. In relation to the Cyber Crisis Monitor, HSD has written a memorandum about the succes factors and has made several connections. 



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