Reutsedijk 7
5264 PC Vught

Our society is becoming increasingly complex and SIVV therefore sees that security issues are becoming increasingly difficult to tackle. Too often, a solution is chosen without careful consideration of the actual question. As the Stichting Innovatie voor Veiligheid we feel socially involved in the level of security in the Netherlands.


Security does not arise ‘in splendid isolation’ or in a one-sided manner; it requires the input of different insights and partners. That is why we do not just carry out tasks, but work together with our clients and partners to solve security issues in the various domains.


As a platform, we combine various roles. Therefore, we act in various roles in the security domains such as: facilitator, moderator, connector, innovator, trainer, interim manager, organisation advisor or coach. But also as a publisher via SIVVPress which offers space for (scientific) security publications.