NFIR and Centric Offer Cybersecurity Services to Municipalities

13 dec 2023
Auteur: HSD Foundation

IT security specialist NFIR has partnered with IT service provider Centric to offer cybersecurity services to municipalities. With this collaboration, both parties focus on providing innovative services to enhance the digital resilience of local governments. This collaboration follows the signing of the Melissa Covenant in October 2023, a partnership between public and private parties to combat ransomware attacks.


Cyber attacks can disrupt any organisation that is not prepared with proper digital security. For local government agencies that handle important personal data daily, a cyber-attack can have serious consequences. This is why cyber security is crucial for municipalities. With their combined knowledge and expertise, NFIR and Centric support municipalities in facing complex security challenges.

NFIR CEO Arwi van der Sluijs explains: “With our services in the field of consultancy, pentesting, security monitoring and file monitoring, we make an enormous contribution to the digital security of systems and the prevention of cyber attacks. With our Incident Response Retainer we ensure that the NFIR CERT is active within 30 minutes. Municipalities can respond to complex security challenges both preventively and reactively. It is crucial that governments have their cybersecurity in order. That is why I am very pleased with this collaboration."


This collaboration follows the signing of the Melissa Covenant, signed and partly initiated by NFIR. Melissa is a partnership between the Public Prosecution Service (OM), the Dutch National Police and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and various private parties to combat ransomware attacks and strengthen digital security in the Netherlands.


Source: Dutch IT Channel (in Dutch)

Photo source: Dutch IT Channel

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