New Report: Cybercrime Costs Dutch Organisations 10 billion euro per Year

04 apr 2016
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Today HSD partner Deloitte launched a report on Cyber Value at Risk in the Netherlands. This unique study shows cyber risks and gives detailed insight into potential loss of value per sector. Deloitte values the total annual loss of Dutch businesses and government around 10 million. In worst case scenarios this total can amount to 18 times more than expected. Deloitte published the report today prior to the 'Critical Infrastructures, Economic Opportunities and Cyber Security event' organised by HSD and the International NCSC One Conference in The Hague.


Deloitte’s analysis concentrates on the public sector, technology & electronics, banks, and the cluster defence: aviation, aerospace. The report was also subject in the Dutch media. Dick Berlijn, boardroom advisor at Deloitte talks about this report in the Dutch newspaper  Financieel Dagblad: “Advisory boards have to relate their expenditure on cyber security in relation to the risks.” Berlijn further mentions that boards of directors very often do not know if their investment in cyber security is sufficient. Berlijn also talked with Newsradio 1 (item starts at 55:04 min).


Deloitte’s published the report to give organisations more insight into the risks and value loss of cyber incidents. The loss of 10 billion per year is described as ‘costs of doing business’ and the effect of the digitalisation. Cyber crime is unfortunately connected to this development. On the basis of data analysis organisation can prepare and develop their business models and manage their risks, says Deloitte’s cyber security expert Maarten van Wieren. Van Wieren discussed this subject on BNR newsradio


These developments are important issues for the Dutch security cluster and relate to the current development of the creation of a National Cyber Testbed.


Read the official press release (in Dutch)

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