NATO Launches Strategic AI Initiative in the Hague

25 mei 2022
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) and the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) launched a strategic AI initiative on Horizon Scanning to better understand its military implications. Horizon Scanning is a method to perform an expansive scientific and technological analysis on specific subjects.


This strategic NATO initiative marked the start of multinational activities to support the alliance in the possible military impact of artifical intelligence, and to plan activities to ensure the alliance retains their military and technological advantage.


The City of the Hague was an important partner in the development of AI as well. "The Hague recognizes the importance of game-changing technologies such as AI, and the necessity to develop this in a responsible way", said Saskia Bruines, Deputy Mayor of the Hague.


Furthermore, the city was the host of the Den Haag Conference on Responsible AI in the Peace Palace, with a focus on peace, law and security last week. The goal of this conference was the contribution to the future agenda for responsible and humane AI in an open dialogue.



Want to know more? Read the full article here.

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