Cyber Resilient Event for Growers at Tomatoworld

24 nov 2023
Auteur: HSD Foundation

Digital technologies, such as sensors, AI and robots, are increasingly being used in Dutch greenhouses. This also increases the risk of cyber incidents. Therefore, demonstration center Tomatoworld and BICT Groep organised an event for growers about digital security on 23 November.

Part of the programme was a panel discussion where Anne Visser of Cyberweerbaarheidscentrum Greenport explained how entrepreneurs in the Greenport cluster can increase their digital resilience and how CW Greenport can help them with this challenge. Other speakers included Kevin Bogaards (BICT Group), Jordy van Luijk (Hoogendoorn Automatisering B.V.) and Erik Rutkens (Hacksclusive).


Cyber Resilience Centre Greenport

The Cyber Resilience Centre Greenport is an initiative of Delphy, Dutch Fresh Port, Royal FloraHolland, Glastuinbouw Nederland, Greenport West-Holland, GroentenFruit Huis, Hoogendoorn Automatisering B.V., Interpolis Achmea, Security Delta (HSD), Digital Trust Center, De Haagse Hogeschool / The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Provincie Zuid-Holland and Municipality of The Hague (Kansen voor West II).


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More info about CW Greenport:


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