H2020 brokerage session in Brussel
As in previous years, the Security Mission Information & Innovation Group (SMI2G) is organising a two-day event in Brussels to discuss on the upcoming 2017 Secure Societies calls of Horizon 2020. This brokerage event will provide a unique networking platform to stimulate innovative ideas and facilitate the creation of consortia. All Secure Societies topics will be represented.
The SMI2G focuses on the features of Horizon 2020 (H2020) with the view of exchanging information on the Secure Societies calls to stimulate networking and consortia building. The objective is to give the delegates the opportunity to create ideas and find partners for each open research call of the EU security research programme.
The event in 2017 will focus on the H2020 Work Programme for the “Secure Societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens”.
All delegates are invited to present their proposals and ideas for each topic of the Work Programme which are open in 2017 in an interactive session. This time, the delegates will also get the opportunity to receive feed-back from end-users, to discuss lessons learnt and what to expect for the future of the EU security research programme.