Free and Safe in Cyberspace

24 september 2015 - 25 september 2015
09:00u - 15:00u
Brussels, Belgium
Open Media Cluster, EIT ICT Labs Privacy, Security and Trust

The role of new IT security paradigms and certifications in delivering constitutionally-meaningful e-privacy to all, while preserving public safety and cyber-investigation.

Through TED-style keynotes and intense debate sessions, we'll gather EU and US foremost IT security experts, leading civil, military and public security institutions, digital civil rights NGOs and industry leaders, to catalyze the consensus of critical mass of actors about the basic of new IT socio-technical paradigms and certifications schemes that can solve the 2 most pressing challenges of the role of IT for the future of humanity:

CHALLENGE A. Is it feasible to provide ordinary EU citizens access to affordable and user-friendly end-2-end IT services with constitutionally-meaningful levels of user-trustworthiness, as a supplement to their every-day computing devices? If so, how? What scale of investments are needed? What standards/certifications can enable a user to reliably distinguish them from other services?

CHALLENGE B. Provided that Challenge A can be met, is it feasible to substantially reconcile meaningful privacy for all, with effective cyber-investigation for due process lawful access? If so, how? through citizen-accountable socio-technical solutions for due process lawful access? Is a substantial win-win solution possible, or can it only be primarily a trade-off, an "either/or", a "loose-loose" balancing act?