Fraude Café: Data Leakage & The Panama Papers

12 mei 2016
16:00u - 18:00u
HSD Campus, The Hague
Young Financiual Crime, IFFC

IFFC celebrates the launch of Young Financial Crime, a group of young professionals working in the field of fraud prevention, on 12 May during the first Fraud Café of 2016 “Data Leakage & The Panama Papers”.

This event will discuss data protection in light of the Panama Papers leak.
Which roll does data leakage play in countering financial fraud? Are the 'Amsterdam Papers' leak just a matter of time? How can organisations protect themselves from data leaks and how does this all relate to privacy?

These are just some of the questions that will be answered by a panel of professionals from the field of financial and cybercrime, followed by a panel discussion.
The event will be followed by drinks & refreshments, the perfect networking opportunity.

Be there! Register for this event here!