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- Trend snippet: Low-cost data diodes can secure data traffic on a large scale
Trends in Security Information
The HSD Trendmonitor is designed to provide access to relevant content on various subjects in the safety and security domain, to identify relevant developments and to connect knowledge and organisations. The safety and security domain encompasses a vast number of subjects. Four relevant taxonomies (type of threat or opportunity, victim, source of threat and domain of application) have been constructed in order to visualize all of these subjects. The taxonomies and related category descriptions have been carefully composed according to other taxonomies, European and international standards and our own expertise.
In order to identify safety and security related trends, relevant reports and HSD news articles are continuously scanned, analysed and classified by hand according to the four taxonomies. This results in a wide array of observations, which we call ‘Trend Snippets’. Multiple Trend Snippets combined can provide insights into safety and security trends. The size of the circles shows the relative weight of the topic, the filters can be used to further select the most relevant content for you. If you have an addition, question or remark, drop us a line at info@securitydelta.nl.
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Low-cost data diodes can secure data traffic on a large scale
The ministry of Defence uses data diodes for a high level of protection of highly classified data. These are valuable devices designed to allow data to flow in only one direction. The MoD and The Hague Security Delta (HSD) are working together on a low cost open source variant that provides security to lower classified data. “This makes our military operations safer and offers enormous opportunities to make the Netherlands safer,” says Commander Marcel Smits of innovation centre FRONT.
The current data diodes guarantee dataflow with a high level of security, but at a price of thousands of euros. Therefore, the application of these devices for lower classified or unclassified data traffic is not realistic. MoD endeavors to solve this problem through innovation. “We want to develop low cost data diodes in order to be able to secure our data traffic on a large scale,” says Smits.
“Open source software gives us the opportunity to make adjustments and to customise, without being bound to one company.”
Open source
By using open source software and open standards, the price of a data diode is kept low, which allows for numerous different usages in the defence organisation. Advantage of this type of software is the publication of the source code on, for example, an open source platform such as GitHub. The open source community can further develop the software and check the source codes to eliminate errors. Smits is surprised about the critical questions he gets about this. “If you buy software from a manufacturer, you have no clue about its quality and vulnerabilities. Open source software does make this transparent and comprehensible.” Supported by the MoD, HSD is identifying an organisation that can act as the owner of the source code and that directs further development once the concept has been proven by the demonstrator. Ideally this is a governmental party, comparable to the open source programme OpenVPN-NL.
The Netherlands closed
“The best aspect of this programme is that the open source data diode is not being developed solely for Defence,” says Smits. “The interest outside of the defence organisation in a small, affordable data diode is so big, that it could lead to a disruption of contemporary digital security.” Smits points out that all sorts of computer- and network devices allow two-way data flows, despite this not being necessary. Smart City developments, legacy-issues in the industry and in time IOT devices for health care and home automation, could also be secured with a low entry, open source data diode.
“The impact of this device on the digital security of our country is enormous. It is a substantial improvement of the resilience of public, corporate- and private networks against external intrusions. It also provides economic opportunities for companies that put this product into the market nationally and internationally.”