VNG Offers a €100 Million Tender for MRD Services

07 nov 2023
Auteur: HSD Foundation

VNG has initiated a significant tender worth €100 million to Orange Cyberdefense, Tesorion, Deltics, Ilionx, PQR and Thales to procure Monitoring, Detection, and Response (MRD) services to municipalities in the Netherlands. This tender forms an essential component of VNG's GGI-Safe programme, designed to enhance digital security for municipalities. The initiative aims to offer support by providing a collaborative range of security solutions through a joint portfolio of security solutions.


According to the Information Security Threat Assessment 2023-2024 of the Information Security Service (IBD), there has been a notable increase in ransomware attacks causing significant damage. Municipalities are making increasing use of systems of process a lot of sensitive information such as personal data. As the risks related to cyber threats continue to rise, the support offered through this tender becomes crucial.


Dennis de Geus, CEO at Orange Cyberdefense: "Digitalisation is driving the transformation of municipalities. It improves citizens' daily lives and offers municipalities greater efficiency and effectiveness in their operations. However, this digital progress has also opened the door to an increasing range of security risks,"


Dennis continues: "Our own surveys confirm the growing threat picture as outlined by the IBD. We are therefore keen to support the VNG in making Dutch municipalities more resilient so that they can make the most of the opportunities of digitisation. This cooperation goes beyond cybersecurity alone; together with VNG member municipalities, we develop a cybersecurity approach that fits seamlessly with their strategy and sector. We set up robust processes and systems so that cybersecurity becomes a driving force for continuity and quality, and is no longer just a cost item."


Source: Dutch IT Channel and Computable



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