ThreadStone Cyber Security Acquired by Techone

10 juni 2023
Auteur: HSD Foundation

End of May, ThreadStone Cyber Security has been acquired by Techone. With the aquisition the ICT partner of SMEs takes a crucial step into the world of cybersecurity. Over the past period, work has been done on products and services that are being offered since the 30th of May to all customers and existing partners of ThreadStone and the labels within Techone.


This includes the following:

  • Helping customers to make their organisation more resilient against cyberattacks;
  • Helping employees to recognise and avoid cybercrime; and
  • Accessible products to improve and monitor the technical state of the IT environment.

Richard Klein and René van Etten, former owners of ThreadStone: "We still speak with many entrepreneurs who think that cybersecurity is complicated and expensive or who think that cybersecurity is the responsibility of the IT manager. There are so many simple measures that make an organisation more resilient against forms of cyber crime. We believe that with the further expanded range of services we have the right products and services to help end customers, together with IT managers, insurers and other partners."


Coert Coomans, CEO of Techone, adds: “We welcome a wealth of cybersecurity expertise, skills and products. We look forward to providing our customers, and SMEs as a whole, with even safer working environments. We work hard on that every day. As of today, we have even more resources at our disposal for this.”


Source: Threadstone (In Dutch)

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