To educate, to motivate or to facilitate? Psychology addressing the human factor in cybersecurity

01 september 2021
19:00u - 20:00u
ISACA NL Chapter and NOREA

The human factor in cybersecurity gains more and more attention, both from the offensive and the defensive side. Prevention efforts now also focus on the human factor. This talk explains how insights from psychology can be used to make people more resilient against cyber threats. This goes beyond educating people! Psychology teaches us how different interventions, such as motivating and facilitating people, can sometimes be more effective towards behaviioral change.


Speaker: Inge Wetzer 

Inge Wetzer studied economic psychology and holds a PhD in social psychology. Next, she worked for almost 10 years at TNO, where she conducted psychological research in the domain of Defence & Safety. Since 2015 she focuses on cybersecurity. She works at Secura as a social psychologist cybersecurity & compliance. Her main task is to combine her expertise in psychology with that of cybersecurity, in order to develop new insights on the ‘human factor’ side of cybersecurity that actually help organisations to better protect their employees against cyber threats.