Resilience and Adaptivity in Professional Education to Prepare for a Changing Security Environment - Cancelled due to Corona

19 mei 2020
10:00u - 17:45u
Brasserskade, The Hague
Instituut Defensie Leergangen (Netherlands Defence College)

How do we make sure that we retain today's level of security, welfare and welbeing in the world of tomorrow?

Our society and surroundings are changing fast. Technological innovation are introduced with rapid succession, employees change careers more easily, and meanwhile the geopolitical context in which we find ourselves becomes increasingly uncertain. It is the core task of education and defence to anticipate on societal changes so that we can seize new opportunities and stifle emerging threats. The best way to do so, is by cooperating closely with a wide array of congenial partners.

The Netherlands Defence College provides post-initial professional education on bachelor's and master's level to officiers and equivalent civilians in middle, higher and top management.

The symposium of 19 May 2020 aims to explore ways for enhanced cooperation between civilian and military higher education in order to prepare for the societal context of tomorrow. Inspiring speakers will talk about curriculi, vocational training and the required organisational culture in order to make our education future-proof.

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