ICANN is Coming to The Netherlands

24 mei 2022
Auteur: HSD Foundation

ICANN stands for Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. It is the global organization for domain names. ICANN is based on the multi-stakeholder model. Within this model, policy is made for the Internet. Multistakeholder means that consensus is sought among all interest groups to arrive at policies that work for everyone.


Policy Development for Internet Domains
Via the multi-stakeholder model, ICANN mainly develops policy that applies to the so-called generic top-level domains (gTLDs), such as .com and .amsterdam. Policies made for gTLDs may also be relevant to the Dutch internet community and may inspire .nl policy, for example. For .nl and the other country codes, however, they determine their own local policy. Country codes can, however, make rules within ICANN on how ICANN deals with the country codes' delegations. For example, a policy was recently drawn up on how to cancel country codes if the country no longer exists (under that name). An example of this is the Netherlands Antilles, of which .an was the country domain. When the Antilles broke up into 3 new 'countries' (Curaçao, Aruba and Sint Maarten) each island got its own country code. We are closely and actively involved with ICANN. We serve on various committees, participate in discussions and actively share our knowledge and experience with others in the ICANN community.


The ICANN meeting
ICANN meetings take place 3 times a year, each time on a different continent. The purpose is to give all parties worldwide the opportunity to physically participate in the meetings. The meetings have a hybrid format. When participating online, you miss the conversations in the corridors, which are often the most valuable moments. The meeting in The Hague is a so-called Policy Meeting. This meeting focuses mainly on policy development. 


If you are interested in participating in this policy meeting, click here.


Source: SIDN

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