Amstel 1
1011 PN Amsterdam

De gemeente Amsterdam zet zich in voor een stad waar Amsterdammers volwaardig mee kunnen doen én de vrijheid hebben om zichzelf te zijn. Waar iedere leerling een stageplek kan vinden, iedereen veilig over straat kan, iedereen gelijke kans maakt op een woning of baan, en waar grappen voor iedereen om te lachen zijn.


Werken aan digitale veiligheid is noodzakelijk voor de hele Amsterdamse samenleving. We voorkomen daarmee dat bewoners, ondernemers en bezoekers last krijgen van verstoringen en hacking. Tegelijkertijd kunnen Amsterdammers nog meer profiteren van de kansen en voordelen. Digitalisering heeft economisch en maatschappelijk heel veel goeds te bieden. Om die ambities waar te maken, heeft de gemeente de Agenda Digitale Veiligheid opgesteld. Daarin staat hoe we willen bereiken dat de stad digitaal veiliger wordt.

Activities within Security Delta

Experts Discuss the Challenges for Smart Secure Cities at HSD Café
02 Jul 2024

Experts Discuss the Challenges for Smart Secure Cities at HSD Café

Equals Role Models Campaign Launched for More Women in IT & Cyber Security
09 Mar 2024

Equals Role Models Campaign Launched for More Women in IT & Cyber Security

AI beeldherkenning met drones in de openbare ruimte
01 Feb 2024

AI beeldherkenning met drones in de openbare ruimte

Join Role Models Campaign for more Women in IT & Cyber Security
25 Jan 2024

Join Role Models Campaign for more Women in IT & Cyber Security

Wanted: Digital Security Solutions for a Smart Sustainable City of Amsterdam
19 Jan 2024

Wanted: Digital Security Solutions for a Smart Sustainable City of Amsterdam

ICSS Booklet Launch at International Conference: Lessons Learned from Smart City Innovation in NL
07 Nov 2023

ICSS Booklet Launch at International Conference: Lessons Learned from Smart City Innovation in NL

HSD Partners Among Nominees Computable Awards 2023
04 Jul 2023

HSD Partners Among Nominees Computable Awards 2023

Collective Action Required to Solve Shortage of Cyber and Security Talent
30 Jun 2023

Collective Action Required to Solve Shortage of Cyber and Security Talent

Street Harassment and the Role of Technology in Tackling it
25 May 2023

Street Harassment and the Role of Technology in Tackling it

Dutch AI Coalition Discusses the Impact of ChatGPT and Algorithm Transparency in the Security and Justice Sector
25 Jan 2023

Dutch AI Coalition Discusses the Impact of ChatGPT and Algorithm Transparency in the Security and Justice Sector

City Deal ‘A Smart City, That’s How You Do It’ Extended and Continued
24 Jan 2023

City Deal ‘A Smart City, That’s How You Do It’ Extended and Continued

Bestuurlijke bevoegdheden cyber
17 Jan 2023

Bestuurlijke bevoegdheden cyber

City of Amsterdam Amongst Winners World Smart City Awards 2022
22 Nov 2022

City of Amsterdam Amongst Winners World Smart City Awards 2022

Impact Coalition Safety & Security (ICSS): Shape the Future of Safe and Smart Cities
29 Sep 2021

Impact Coalition Safety & Security (ICSS): Shape the Future of Safe and Smart Cities

10 Million Euros Awarded for Solving Cyber Security Issues
23 Apr 2021

10 Million Euros Awarded for Solving Cyber Security Issues

Who to Include for Successful Smart City Initiatives
26 Feb 2021

Who to Include for Successful Smart City Initiatives

 More Priority for Security of Digital Systems for Municipalities
15 Feb 2021

More Priority for Security of Digital Systems for Municipalities

AI Mini-Hackathon During Amsterdam Drone Week
07 Dec 2020

AI Mini-Hackathon During Amsterdam Drone Week

Group IB Settles European HeadQuarters in Amsterdam 
20 Nov 2020

Group IB Settles European HeadQuarters in Amsterdam 

Government Increases Cyber Resilience Through City Deal
30 Oct 2020

Government Increases Cyber Resilience Through City Deal

Technology can Help Municipalities Implement and Enforce the 1.5m Measure
09 Oct 2020

Technology can Help Municipalities Implement and Enforce the 1.5m Measure

HSD Signs Letter of Support for the Coalition Digital Security Amsterdam
08 Oct 2020

HSD Signs Letter of Support for the Coalition Digital Security Amsterdam

Municipalities and Police Work Together on Development of Smart Society
16 Apr 2020

Municipalities and Police Work Together on Development of Smart Society

Cisco Live! Europe Hosted in RAI Amsterdam
03 Feb 2020

Cisco Live! Europe Hosted in RAI Amsterdam

Smart Secure Resilient Cities
05 Jun 2019

Smart Secure Resilient Cities