Covenant Signed for More Digital Security at Local Level

22 Dec 2022
Author: HSD Foundation

On Thursday 21 December 2022, Minister Yeşilgöz-Zegerius from the ministry of Justice & Security, State Secretary Van Huffelen for Digitisation and VNG chairman and mayor of The Hague Van Zanen signed a covenant on the joint commitment to greater digital security at a local level. An important milestone where first steps has been taken to better tackle the digital threat at municipalities. 


The government and municipalities will work together in the coming period to arrive at suitable substantive solutions and the associated financing.


Local perspective cybersecurity strategy

The government recently presented the Dutch cybersecurity strategy 2022-2028 (NLCS). This contains the government's strategy and vision for the digital society and the role of the government when it comes to digital security. To pay more attention to the local perspective on digital security, the VNG and G4 are closely involved by the government in the creation of the NLCS.


Challenges for municipalities

Through the strategy process, and the practical experience of the G4 and the cyber mayors in recent years, it became clear that there are still several fundamental challenges for municipalities that need to be worked on together.


Until 2028, the government and municipalities will work together on: 1) the translation of the physical security system into digital security, so that there is more clarity about the responsibilities, roles, duties and powers of the local government (executive board, triangle & security region) 2) a better situational picture of threats, vulnerabilities and incidents, for both the municipal organisation and the city. 3) the required structural financing, starting with a first inventory in January (with a view to Prinsjesdag 2023).


Like to know more? Read the covenant in Dutch here!

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