New Research Launched for Intervention and Prevention of Subversive Crime (KIC)

11 Apr 2023
Author: HSD Foundation

NWO is funding three new PPP projects that will investigate intervention and prevention of illegal activities that undermine our legal structures. This so-called subversive crime has disruptive effects on society. The research increases the action perspective for citizens, investigators and enforcement officers, making them more resilient and effective. Six million euros is available, of which NWO funds five million and companies and public organisations one million.


The fight against subversive crime will only become more effective if science, government, industry and citizens work together more intensively and in a more focused way, jointly developing innovative intervention models. Reducing undermining crime requires an integrated approach from the technical, social sciences and humanities. The topic 'subversive crime' is part of the 'Integral approach to organised crime' mission of the national Knowledge and Innovation Agenda on Security.


Within the KIC call Subversive Crime, the three awarded research projects will work on a variety of themes. The PRICELESS project focuses on analysing valuation practices of works of art and luxury items that are converted into financial assets for purposes such as money laundering. In the FIDBID project, forensic experts, data scientists and criminologists are exploring ways to automatically extract and report forensic information from lab analyses of drugs. This information provides important clues to the production, origin and transportation of evidence. In the FORT-PORT project, business, government organisations and scientists are working to stop cocaine trafficking, human smuggling and corruption in and around the port of Rotterdam.


More info about the three awarded research projects and collaboration partners: NWO

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