Unique Cyber Exercise Triangle for Mayors, Prosecutors and National Police

13 Jan 2023
Author: HSD Foundation

On Thursday 12 January 2023, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) organised a cyber exercise triangle in cooperation with the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) and the National Police. The goal of the exercise was to create more awareness around developments within undermining cybercrime and the challenges it poses for local governments.


The exercise focused on recent developments in the field of undermining cybercrime and online disorder. Over 15 mayors from various Dutch cities went to work on cyber crises varying from demonstrations and (online) riot calls, to eventual ransomware attacks on various municipalities.


Data from the Public Prosecutor’s Service, the Police and Statistics Netherlands (CBS) show that the extent of cybercrime and digitised crime is rising fast. More citizens and entrepreneurs are victimised, with funds or privacy-sensitive information ending up in criminal hands. For this reason, different situations and action perspectives were practiced.


Based on cases that developed in different phases both online and offline, the action perspective of local government was examined. Concrete tips and solutions were shared, for example on how to deal with a ransomware attack and how to use an online emergency ordinance to maintain or restore order. Finally, they looked at practical examples, such as how police and local government work together in the event of a cyber attack, and what could be improved in the cooperation.

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