Public Campaign “Check Before You Click”

28 May 2019
Author: HSD Foundation

On Saturday 25 May, Minister Grapperhaus (JenV) kicked off the new public campaign "Check Before You Click" during the National Security Day in Almere. The campaign calls on people to better protect themselves against cyber criminals and is visible on TV and social media. 


During the launch, Minister Grapperhaus, State Secretary Keijzer (EZK) and more than twenty companies and networks signed the convenant 'Prevention of cyber crime'. They join forces to fight cybercrime together. Amongst the parties that signed the convenant were J&V, EZK, Police, Rabobank, ING, KPN, NL ICT, VNG, CCV and HSD. Minister Grapperhaus: "Cyber crime can only be tackled if the public and private sectors join forces."


Tips to enhance your cybersecurity can be found on (Dutch). You can also do a quiz to test your knowledge.


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