Wanted: Innovations to Increase Safety of Fire Fighters

20 Aug 2013
Author: HSD Foundation

Three leading European public procurers envision to co-develop, finance and purchase the next generation Smart Personal Protective Systems for fire fighters. An in-depth needs assessment showed that the focus should be on localization systems, data transfer & visualization and sensors.


Smart@fire invites targeted technology suppliers and experts to participate, share insights, co-define & develop innovative prototypes. To achieve this, a novel method of pre-commercial procurement is used.


Smart Personal Protective System


Every year, more than 100 fire fighters lose their lives whilst saving others. To reduce this risk, innovative ICT-solutions need to be developed and integrated in the smart Personal Protective System. The current ICT-solutions available on the market do not yet provide full satisfaction. Based on a large scale needs assessment of 961 fire brigades the innovation potential from procurer's side has been identified. To increase the safety of the fire fighters they are looking for innovative technologies, more in particular:

  • Sensors to measure environmental parameters and vital body functions
  • Localization systems to determine the the position
  • Data transfer and visualization systems to better assess situations


Invitation for market consultation sessions

Smart@Fire invites research centers and companies active in the fields mentioned above to participate to the market consultations in order to identify the innovation potential from a technological point. That will allow them to determine if the enterprises/research centers can meet the innovation expectations of the fire fighters by developing innovative ICT-solutions. In the next phase, the so-called pre-commercial procurement (PCP), the goal is to develop prototypes with financial support of the European Commission that meet the innovation expectations.


Approach: three stages

  • Market consultations where potential suppliers and procurement officers can engage with each other.
  • Pre-commercial procurement: development of working prototypes and a test range of Personal Protective Systems with integrated ICT-solutions, all with a view to eventual large-scale production.
  • Launch of a final joint EU tender: based upon positive test results, EU fire and rescure services will purchase the developed smart ensembles.

Click here for more information and to subscribe to the market consultation sessions. The registration deadline is 1st of September.



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