VNO-NCW about the Issue of Cyber Security

30 Jan 2013
Author: HSD Foundation

The Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (known as VNO-NCW) discusses the issue of cyber security:
Secure and reliable ICT is crucial for our society and economy. It is hard to imagine a society without access to the Internet. The increasing dependency on technology is making our society increasingly vulnerable for the misuse and failure of ICT. Digital security, otherwise known as cyber security, is therefore vital.


Cyber security is exposed to many threats. According to a report released by the CSBN, a Dutch cyber security monitor, the most frequent threats are digital espionage and cyber criminality. The report, which is released on a yearly basis, gives an overview of the biggest threats, incidents and vulnerabilities. Governments and companies are together responsible for cyber security. A close collaboration between both sectors is vital if the problem wants to be tackled, since knowledge about cyber security is spread over different parties from the public and private sector.


Cyber security is described as: "The state of being free from the threat of danger caused by the misuse or failure of ICT. The danger or damage from misuse, disruption or failure may include restrictions on the availability or reliability of ICT, violating the confidentiality or information stored in the ICT or damage to the integrity of that information."

To get to know more about this topic, click here to visit the website of VNO-NCW.

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