Province South-Holland Opening Subsidy to Stimulate Innovative SMEs and Startups

26 Mar 2025
Author: HSD Foundation

The MIT Feasibility Projects subsidy for innovative SMEs and Startups in South Holland opens on 8 April 2025, offering a budget of €2.5 million for feasibility projects. To qualify, projects must align with the Knowledge- and Innovationagendas (KIA’s) under the national Mission-Driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy. The funding is usually claimed on the first day, and therefore it is important to submit your application on time. You can request up to €20,000, and applications are accepted in both Dutch and English.


Submitted projects must be completed within 12 months after their official start, and must align with the Knowledge- and Innovation Agendas (KIA’s) under the Mission-Driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy, focusing on key technologies, including technologies such as:

  • artificial intelligence
  • quantum
  • cybersecurity technology

Important to note is that applications will be reviewed on a first come, first serve basis, based on the date of submission. If different applications are submitted on the same day and the budget is exceeded, a lottery will determine the order of processing.


Application process and eligibility requirements

  • Visit the 'Loketwijzer' to find the correct portal for submitting your application.
  • Submit your application via the designated e-form.
  • Ensure you have E-herkenning level 2+ to access and complete the form.
  • If a representative is applying for you, formalise this arrangement in advance through E-herkenning.
  • You must be an MKB enterprise (small or medium-sized business) based in South Holland  registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.
  • Your project must not have received or applied for any other governmental subsidies for the same activity. 

Source: Provincie Zuid-Holland 

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