VNG Publishes Trend Report Information Society 2022

26 Nov 2021
Author: HSD Foundation

This week, the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten, VNG) released their trend report Information Society 2022. In this report relevant technological and social developments are addressed. With the trend report, VNG aims to hand an action perspective to local municipal directors for the tasks that comes with digitisation.


Monitoring crowds with digital technology

Municipalities have an increased interest in the deployment of crowd management to monitor crowds in the city centres. With this improved monitoring, citizens are increasingly interested and concerned in the digital technologies used by municipalities. The challenges and opportunities that arise with crowd management are interlinked in our ‘Smart Secure Resilient Cities’ programme. The Impact Coalition Safety & Security (ICSS) is founded to learn from each others’ smart city solutions for security. Crowd management is one of the focus themes (find more information on ICSS and projects on


Research into use of data and algorithms

This trend update reflects on a society that is more reliant on data and a government that makes more and more use of algorithms. Use of data and algorithms are a powerful instrument for governments but it comes with certain risks. To justify the use of data and algorithms, governments need to strengthen their checks and balances and be transparent. These social issues with algorithms and use of data are also part of HSD Office’s ‘Data & Artificial Intelligence’ programme.


Do you want to know what trends in security are coming up? Visit our trendmonitor here


Are you interested in attending an online knowledge café where security related trends are discusses by experts (including those from VNG and National Police)? Join our HSD Café: Trends next Tuesday 30th of November. Click here for more information about this event and registration. 


Read here the entire Trend report Information Society 2022 VNG


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