Safety, Security and Innovative Economy in the Dutch Coalition Agreement 2021-2025

16 Dec 2021
Author: HSD Foundation

The coalition of VVD, D66, CDA and CU revealed their new coalition agreement in The Hague today, titled: ‘Omzien naar elkaar, vooruitkijken naar de toekomst’ (‘Looking after each other, looking forward to the future’). The document contains several important headlines about safety, public order, digital security, cyber resilience and innovation.


Safety & Public Order

One billion euros have been reserved for the safety sector these next few years. A part of this will be used for the strengthening of the criminal law chain, including for development of knowledge when it comes to preventing and fighting cybercrime. Additionally, the ministry of Justice & Security will harden its response to cybercrime and invest in more extensive public private and international co-operation to combat cybercrime and ‘subversive crime’.


Digitalisation and cybersecurity

When it comes to digitalisation, the new coalition aims to be at the forefront of innovation. Scientific institutions, corporates, start/scale-ups and government will be stimulated to achieve this. In addition, they will invest in emerging technologies when it comes to quantum technology and artificial intelligence. The parties strive to create a fast, safe and secure countrywide internet connection that all citizens have access to, as well as the ability to use it. Centralised co-operation in the field of cyber security between parties such as National Cyber Security Center and the Digital Trust Center with their focus on business resilience is stimulated as well.


Innovative economy

The new coalition wants to invest in innovative SMEs, and business ownership is stimulated. Some aspects of starting and running a business will be made easier by amongst other things support when it comes to digitalization. Public-private co-operation is seen as an important part of the government’s economic growth policy and will be stimulated the next four years. The national Growth Fund will be continued, with renewed focus on innovation, knowledge development and research in relationship with emerging technologies and societal challenges. 


Interested to see what else the coalition agreement contains with regards to security in a digitalizing society? Read more pdfhere (in Dutch).

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