NCSC Launches dcypher: Dutch Cybersecurity Platform for Higher Education and Research
At the annual One conference of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), founding partner of HSD, the Dutch Cyber Security Platform for Higher Education and Research dcypher was launched. Patricia Zorko, Deputy National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV), network partner of HSD, and Director Cybersecurity, announced the launch in her opening speech. The goals of this initiative are: agenda setting and coordination of both scientific and practical research and - higher education in cybersecurity.
More connections in research and higher education
dcypher will offer an overview of the supply of higher education on cybersecurity and will make connections between stakeholders from the public and private sectors of higher education and research. In addition dcypher will exchange and facilitate the strengthening of knowledge and ensure a bottom-up scheduling of cyber security research. This means that the research and education agendas will be made after broad consultation with the field (knowledge and educational institutions - enterprises - government).
Strengthening education and research on cyber security
dcypher wants to ensure that the number of cyber security specialists grows and more students in higher education enroll in relevant curricula with a successful completion. This calls for strengthening cyber security research groups and more and better trained teachers. Also curricula in higher education and cybersecurity professional profiles should better reflect the needs of the market. Finally, strong international coalitions are needed and more innovations resulting from cyber security research.
About the founders of dcypher
dcypher is the answer to the objective of the National Cyber Security Strategy (NCSS2): "The Netherlands has sufficient cyber security knowledge and skills and invests in ICT innovation to attain cyber security objectives ". The Dutch Ministries of Security & Justice, Economic Affairs, Education Culture & Science and The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), department Physical Sciences (EW) founded the platform that will be led by Jan Piet Barthel, seconded by NWO. A broad-based Advisory Board will guarantee support and content.
For more information see here.