Introduction Session EIT Digital Innovation Call 2019

05 Feb 2018
Author: HSD Foundation

EIT Digital, a European innovation and education organisation that invests in digital innovations, will announce a call for innovation in March. HSD joined EIT Digital as a member. HSD partners are therefore invited to participate in this call, which provides funding opportunities for innovations, in i.e. security. To inform interested HSD partners, HSD and EIT Digital organise an introduction session on the options of this innovation call.


The event will take place on Thursday 1 March 2018 from 15:00 till 16:00 hrs at the HSD Campus. The introduction will be held by Patrick Essers, Director EIT Digital The Netherlands. Innovalor (partner of HSD and EIT Digital) will be present to share their experiences so far and their activities in the past concerning EIT Digital calls.



For more information and registration about the event at the HSD Campus on Thursday 1 March 2018, click here.

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