How to Make People Aware of Cyber Risks in a Fun Way

30 May 2020
Author: HSD Foundation

On the European Day of Privacy, the Municipality of The Hague organised a privacy event for all its employees. Organisations are urged on this day to improve the protection of personal data. Nils Hoole from the Municipality of The Hague says: "We organised workshops on information security and used the VR experience truck from Infosequre to make employees aware of cyber threats. This turned out to be very succesfull."


You only notice it when things go wrong
As a digital identity policy advisor at the Municipality of The Hague, Nils occasionally comes across colleagues who could use some help when it comes to raising awareness. "In the year and a half that I have been working at the municipality, I have noticed that tips such as locking your screen, not giving people without a card access to the building and leaving sensitive information unattended on your desk, are not an unnecessary luxury."


Most people are naturally not concerned with information security, according to Nils. Nils: "You only see the problems when things go wrong. But as an organisation you naturally want to prevent a security incident. "


“The VR experience truck is therefore a real eye-opener. You will experience how you can arm yourself against cyber risks. ”

Prevent cyber risks
Before entering the truck, employees are given VR glasses and enter a virtual office. There they are faced with everyday challenges from the digital world. Spread over 2 groups of 7 people each, the participants battled to avoid most cyber risks. The team that recognized the risks the fastest won the game. Nils: "The battle consisted of 3 parts, namely recognizing phishing emails, preventing data leaks and exposing the social engineer."


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