Cyber Expedition at Leiden Bio Science Park

24 Apr 2024
Author: HSD Foundation

On Friday 19 April, a Cyber Expedition took place at Leiden Bio Science Park to raise awareness of digital security within the Life Sciences & Health sector (LSH). Recent research findings suggest a need to enhance risk awareness among organisations in the LSH sector, as the impact of cyber incidents tends to be underestimated.

During the Cyber Expedition, entrepreneurs delved into the covert strategies employed by cybercriminals. Through practical scenarios, the Cyber Expedition elucidated concepts such as security by design, advanced persistent threats, and safeguarding crown jewels. The attendees got practical tools to fortify their research and business operations against cyber threats while walking through the Leiden Science Bio Park.

This initiative continues the sectoral approach of the Cyberweerbaarheidscentrum Greenport, launched in October 2022, aligning with our ambition to expand the sectoral cyber resilience approach to various sectors.

This cyber expedition is supported by the Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag (MRDH) programme Sectoraal Digitaal Veilig and Provincie Zuid-Holland and organised by Security Delta (HSD) together with InstinKct and Renée Verdiesen and Leiden Bio Science Park.


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