Collaboration Ministry of Justice and Security, National Police and TNO Connects Existing Technologies to New Innovations

09 Sep 2021
Author: HSD Foundation

Challenges in the field of security become bigger, as well as the impact of technology that belongs to it. As a result, more and better research is necessary. To manage the fight against subversive crime, cyber crime and crisis management in a better way, the Ministry of Justice & Security and the National Police have decided to collaborate more intensively with TNO. Because of this collaboration, existing technologies and new innovations can be connected to each other in a more effective way. The knowledge developed by TNO will therefore contribute to the security of the Dutch society, more directly.


New step in collaboration

TNO is an independent research organisation aiming to make knowledge more applicable for businesses and public organisations.


Paul de Krom, CEO of TNO:"Innovations and smart technology are essential for the security of the Netherlands. We have observed that research in the security domain has increased enormously. Which is a good development. With the renewed collaboration with Justice and Security and the National Police, as well as the attached investments in research and innovation, we work together to assure a free and secure Dutch society."

Innovation of crucial importance for our security

We see in all kinds of areas that new technological developments have an impact on our society. And that they have consequences for our security. That is both positive and negative news, stresses Dick Schoof, secretary-general of the Ministry of Justice and Security.


Dick Schoof: "Take deep-fakes as an example. Especially now that we work many hours from home, it has become even more important to assure that the person you see on your screen is really that person. It requires the development of technology that help us guarantee the prevention of deep-fakes, which we cannot do by ourself."

Justice and Security works with many institutions as well as universities, and TNO has a prominent role to connect them.


Focus on innovation

By far the largest customer of the security knowledge of TNO is the National Police. Also at the police, new, privacy-friendly technologies can help to make the Netherlands more secure when applied on the streets. As the first big public organisation within the Rijksoverheid, the police have delegated technology and innovation to the highest level within their organisation, the ‘korpsleiding’. A logical step, according to Henk Geveke, member of the ‘korpsleiding’.


Henk Geveke: "Technology is a strategical topic for the police. The technological developments accelerate and could have a big impact on the work within the police force, whether it be in enforcement, emergency aid, investigation, service provision or operational management."

Would you like to know more about the collaboration between Justice and Security, National Police and TNO? Please contact the department of Innovation, Knowledge and Strategy of the Ministry of Justice and Security, via


Source: Rijksoverheid

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