Capture the Red Flags Exercise for Clean Hosting

11 Dec 2023
Author: HSD Foundation

Dutch servers are among the most sought-after servers in the world internationally. However, when it comes to hosting illegal content, the Netherlands has a questionable international reputation. It is estimated that 8 out of 10 cyber-attacks worldwide occur via Dutch servers. For Dutch hosting companies, the difference between good and malicious parties is not always easy to discern. To help Dutch hosting companies keep their servers clean, and to bridge the gap between investigation and hosting, the Dutch Public Prosecution Service has recently introduced an interactive role-playing game called 'Capture the Red Flags'.


During the game, participants assume the role of a compliance officer of the fictional hosting provider. Subsequently, they transition into the role of an investigating officer, tasked with examining a ransomware attack on a hospital that has taken place through their server.


All participating teams are composed of public prosecutors, police officers and employees of hosting companies that are affiliated with the Dutch trade organisation Dutch Cloud Community (DCC). Together they form a diverse group with a common goal: a clean internet, free of illegal content and other criminal activities.


National approach to bad hosting
The High Tech Investigations policy cluster of the National Public Prosecutor's Office is responsible for the Dutch approach to the bad hosting phenomenon. The development of the game 'Capture the red flags' is part of this. For questions regarding this approach, or if you are interested in playing the game, please contact Sander de Gruijl.


For more information, read the full article on the Dutch Public Prosecution Service website (in Dutch).

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