€1.7 Million Available for Cyber Resilience SMEs

04 Oct 2022
Author: HSD Foundation

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) has made a ‘digitisation subsidy’ available aimed at increasing the cyber resilience of Dutch SMEs. Through the ‘Mijn Digitale Zaak’ grant, a subsidy of up to €2,500 is available for SMEs.


The available subsidy reimburses 50% of the offer price up to a maximum of €2,500. The subsidy covers software, hardware, advice, implementation costs or outsourcing to third parties, among other things to increase cyber resilience.


In total, €1.7 million of grant is available. The grant can be applied before 30 November 2022.


'Mijn Digitale Zaak' is an initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), trade association INretail, the Chamber of Commerce and MKB-Nederland intended for SME entrepreneurs in the retail sector with two to 50 employees.


FERM Rotterdam: Cyber Scan for € 250,-

In addition, FERM is offering SMEs in South Holland a cyber scan for only € 250,- thanks to subsidy of the Province of South Holland. The scan, worth €1.500,-, provides a clear picture of the vulnerability and resilience of a company. FERM is looking for 15 participating companies for this pilot. Read the interview with Coöperatie NPRC, who already used the scan. More info >


More info about the RVO Subsidy 'Mijn Digitale Zaak (in Dutch)'


Photo: source RVO




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