Deputy Mayor Van Engelshoven Opens Mobile 360 Privacy & Security Congress

10 May 2016
Author: HSD Foundation

On May 10 deputy mayor Ingrid van Engelshoven opened the two-day Mobile 360 Series congress, organised by GSMA, devoted to the topic of privacy and security across the global mobile enterprise ecosystem. "Mobile is everything" is one of the statements of the deputy mayor. In cooperation with HSD and The Municipality of The Hague, Mobile 360 Series Privacy & Security explores the state of network security and data privacy today and examines best practices across a variety of industries. Several HSD partners are present at the congress, some of them have the opportunity to present their organisation at the Start Up Expo and Onegini together with KPMG are organising a Hacketon as part of the programme. HSD premium partner HackerOne's general manager Richard Borsboom is among the presenters of this congress.


Why Privacy and Security?

There is no denying that mobile technology is deeply embedded into our lives. More and more industries are incorporating mobile into their business models and leveraging digital communications. While this improves efficiencies and can create competitive advantages, it also adds additional challenges to organisations to protect both themselves and their customers. If this aspect of the business is ignored or done poorly, the results can be catastrophic to the organisation. Deputy mayor Van Engelshoven: “We are very happy that Mobile 360 is here today in The Hague. It signifies the prominent position of our city in the area of cyber security. The yearly World Mobile Congress, the world’s largest gathering for the mobile industry, is held in Barcelona where the latest technological developments are shown in the telecom industry. Here in The Hague we focus on digital security. This is an important subject and we have the expertise. The Hague Security Delta is the largest security cluster in Europe.” 


Start-up & Hackethon

In the Start-up section of this congress HSD partners red tulip systems, X-ENTERPRISE, zivver, WeAware+, Compumatica Secure Networks and TMX Smart Telecontrol demonstrated their expertise. The Hackethon, organised by Onegini and KPMG concentrates on creating a bank grade secure app with teams that consists of not only professionals but also students like Victor Wi (22) who studies computer science at Delft University. Victor decided to join the KPMG team after he saw their call for participation. "It's fun to be here, normally I work a lot with ios but I wanted to sort of upgrade my skills on android, which we are working with here in this Hackethon. Our challenge is to install fingerprint authentication, make a money transaction and we have to authentise money transactions. I like it and it's going well. This is also a nice way to not only work on your skills but also to meet new people!."


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HSD Partners involved