Workshop Digital Single Market in The Hague

12 Jun 2015
Author: HSD Foundation

On the 11th of June, the European Commission visited The Hague to take part in a workshop where the Digital Single Market package, which was recently published by the Commission, was discussed with Dutch stakeholders.

Digital technology is part of everyday life. From studying to watching films, buying or selling online to connecting with friends or your doctor – the internet is a goldmine of digital opportunities. But every day in the EU people and companies run into many barriers – from geo-blocking or cross-border parcel delivery inefficiencies to unconnected e-services. Digital services too often remain confined to national borders. The Juncker Commission has made it a priority to remove these obstacles and create a Digital Single Market: making the EU's single market freedoms "go digital", and boosting growth and jobs on our continent.

One of the workshop sessions was about cybersecurity. This session was led by HSD partner the Ministry of Security and Justice. Cyber security is a prerequisite for a well functioning Digital Single Market and is a national and European responsibility with an important role for private parties. This again emphasizes the importance of a coordinated Dutch approach on cyber security.

Click here for more information about the workshop.

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