Wanted: Cyber Security Companies to Share Ideas with Ministry of Economic Affairs on Research Programming for Cyber Security

19 Dec 2017
Author: HSD Foundation

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy is looking for ideas from cyber security businesses on the direction of future research on cyber security. For businesses and government it is of great importance that cyber security is properly regulated in Netherlands. Therefore, the Dutch Government has a need for a thorough and coherent research programming in the field of cyber security. Recent questions and the adopted motion Verhoeven/Rutte, in which the Government is requested to explore the possibility to set up a cyber institute, strengthen this need.  


Cyber Security Businesses – the end users of this research - are therefore invited by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy to join the meeting on 25 January 2018 from 10.15 to 12.00 hours at the Ministry. 


What is the purpose of the consultation?  
The Ministry is looking for a solid cohesive research programming on the entire chain, from fundamental research to the Government as launching customer for businesses. Such programming is increasingly relevant as more stakeholders were given an opportunity to share their opinion. Therefore the Ministry would like to discuss your views and offer you the opportunity to indicate where future research should focus on.  


What themes are being discussed?  

- The adopted motion Verhoeven/Rutte, in which the Government is invited to consider whether an institute for research in the field of cyber security can be established  

-The letter 'preserve and strengthen Dutch Cyber security capacity', which was the reason to the filing of this motion  

- Views from the ministries on cyber security research  

- Your ideas on this research and your possible willingness to invest  



Do you want to join the conversation on 25 January from 10.15 to 12.00 hours, please register via SecretariaatRl@minez.nl


Read the invitation in Dutch.

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