Three new Premium Partners EY, Aon and Statistics Netherlands (CBS) Connect to the HSD Community during the HSD Campus Lunch

10 Jul 2017
Author: HSD Foundation

On 10 July 2014, The Hague Security Delta (HSD) announced the Premium partnerships of EY, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and Aon. The partnership contracts were officially signed by all parties and Deputy mayor Saskia Bruines and executive director HSD Richard Franken welcomed EY, CBS and Aon in the community of HSD during the weekly HSD Campus lunch. Many HSD residents and participants of the HSD community were present while EY, CBS and Aon presented their challenges in the security domain in a short pitch.


Saskia Bruines, deputy mayor of City of The Hague: “We are proud to announce that three major organisations joined the HSD cluster as Premium partners. We believe that innovation in security and economic development is stimulated through cooperation between businesses, government and knowledge institutions. With the new partnerships of consultancy organisation EY, knowledge institution CBS and services firm Aon we have more power to increase the innovations in security. “



One of the reasons why EY became Premium partner of HSD is to connect to the wider cyber community in The Netherlands, as well as contribute to developments that will enhance the Dutch cybersecurity posture. EY experiences a growing demand for cyber services in both our regular advisory practice, in assurance, as well as in our services to financial services providers. EY provides a wide range of services, such as cyber risk management, cyber threat management & incident response, cyber threat intelligence and forensic research. In all these areas EY offers both professional and managed services, to assist our customers with complex security matters.


EY shares the opinion that it is important not to work on our own in this domain, but to attract other parties active in the area of cyber security, to share information, to build knowledge and to work together to create a safer Netherlands. EY sees added value in working within the HSD community.


Douwe Mik, Cyber Leader at EY in The Netherlands: “We would like to join relevant innovating development projects that clearly have something to do with the security domain in The Netherlands. For example, the issue of cyber security in the context of the Internet Of Things and Smart Cities. As EY we are keen to to connect with the cyber community in the Netherlands. We see HSD as an important platform of private and public parties involved in security.”

Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is constantly looking for partners to develop new statistics and to develop new methods to measure phenomena in society, in order to provide insights for society.CBS publishes many and varied figures in the field of security and safety. For instance the desciption of the criminal justice system in numbers: suspects detected by the police, cases handled by the public prosecutor's office, the outcome of lawsuits, the prosecution of criminal records, etc. Each year, CBS also publishes the safety monitor, which provides information about the security perception of citizens, both on national and on regional level. In addition, municipalities can ask for additional observations in this survey, in order to get a more detailed picture of the safety experience within their municipality per neighbourhood. CBS also describes new, difficult-to-measure phenomena, for example cybersecurity. On this, CBS recently released a monitor with 20 indicators on cybersecurity measures taken by citizens and companies, on cybersecurity incidents and on cybercrime.


The added value of CBS for the security cluster could be that CBS has many and varied data sources, which can be used to build statistical information. These resources can be used to gain insights into developments in the field of security. In addition, CBS has knowledge to set up appropriate measurement methods. CBS also works in its ‘Center for big data statistics’ on applications using big data sources for creating statistical information. One of the promising projects there is working with aggregated information from mobile telephony operators to compile statistical information about, for example, day-time population figures: where are people during the day? Such figures can be used for different purposes, for instance in the security domain.


Cecile Schut, Director of policy staff at CBS states : “We would like to expand our cybersecurity monitor in the coming years. Partners who can help to develop methods of measurement, who have new data sources they want to share or can support in other ways are welcome. More generally, we are interested in partners who have ideas for exploring new data sources or combining data sources with the aim of making statistical information to get new and better insights into the developments in the security and safety domain for society.

Aon plc (NYSE:AON) provides a broad range of risk, retirement and health solutions. By using proprietary data and analytics Aon delivers insights that reduce volatility and improve performance for its clients. For this Aon also works on themes like Safety & Security and Cyber Security in general and collects big data to broaden the knowledge in this field. The detection and prevention of cyber security risks is part of the business activities of Aon. Aon identifies and analyzes the business impact of terrorism for its clients. Besides this Aon provides services to insure risks as a result of terrorism and cyber crime.

Stefan Weda, Chief Commercial Officer of Aon stated: “In the development of solutions Aon is interested to work together with other HSD partners. In this way we can share our knowledge and ambitions to make a safer and secure world”.



 Boardroom Richard

 Ondertekening Aon Stefan Weda

 Ondertekening CBS Cecile Schut

 Ondertekening EY Douwe Mik










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