Launched New Portal: Promoting the Netherlands as Top Country to Host Events

23 Nov 2015
Author: HSD Foundation

Last week, Holland Branding launched its new information portal to show international event organisers the top facilities the Netherlands offers them. The expertise united in the security cluster HSD is presented as one of the key reasons for organisers of security events to come to the Netherlands. Another reason is the Dutch experience in hosting international events as the Nuclear Security Summit and the Global Conference on Cyber Space. Joris den Bruinen, Deputy Director of HSD, was video interviewed to provide an insight in what we have to offer.

Top Sectors
When it comes to being a brainport, the Netherlands definitely belongs to the leading countries. To keep on developing knowledge and economy, the Dutch government has decided to invest in top sectors. These sectors are represented by companies and institutes with the highest of expertise and means of technology. The Netherlands are focusing on 9 top sectors: Peace & Justice and Security, Agriculture & Food, Chemicals, Creative Industry, Energy, HTSM, Life Sciences and Health, Logistics and Water.

The brand-new portal gives an instant impression of the various Dutch conference cities, including The Hague, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Maastricht, and their prominent industries. It is the perfect starting point for learning more about the options for hosting a conference in the Netherlands and how conferences can benefit from the top sector policy.


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