The Hague University Joins Forces with Thales in Research Cyber Security

13 Jun 2016
Author: HSD Foundation

The Hague University of Applied Science (Haagse Hogeschool) is going to do extensive research in the field of cyber security. In relation to this research The Hague University has asked Thales to collaborate and give lectureships. Both parties signed the agreement June 10 in The Hague with the intent to research cyber security of physical systems.


The Hague University and Thales have created three research programmes. Thales has also been given a lectureship position. The three programmes are:

- 'Identify and Access Management' (who and when can have access to systems),

- 'Security of Systems and the Internet of Things' (connections between devices and the role of security) and 

- 'Usable Security' (relation between user ability and security).


This initiative is a good example of HSD's aim to create access to security talent. Thales' Director of Cyber Security René van Buuren: "Thales wants to secure its position in The Netherlands. We have a shortage of ict experts while we are at the forefront of great developments in this branche. With this lectureshop we hope to contribute in the educational system and in making The Netherlands a more secure world." Thales' lectureship will give a new impuls into the security related research within the new programmes and alligns with the goals of our Centre of Expertise Cyber Security" says Leonard Geluk chairman of The Hague University.


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